
Business Update:

The Business Cards have been sent to Northwestern Printers. There was a error reading the font so I didnt get them in by Friday, but it'll be good. No worries. I should be able to look at proofs on Monday. And hopefully I can get them printed by Wednesday since Friday is my last day at the Semolino and it would be nice to distribute some of them there.

My Invoices and Estimate pages have been finalized and the first bill to the Meckenstock Group has been written up. I'll be turning that in Monday.

I know have a rough schedule of the next few jobs. It should be about 2 or 3 months worth of work. Thats good. I need to learn somethings before I head out into the community at large! That part is a little nervy for me, but it will be awesome.

There was a painter named Joe Currey here in Hays, he's one of the best, that Shay has told me about and wanted me to meet. Apparently, it turns out he and his wife come into the Semolino every Saturday and sometimes during the week. I know their drinks: 1 large Hazelnut latte and 1 small Hazelnut latte made in their house mugs. They don't know me, yet, but one of my co-workers who saw them come in this morning mentioned that I wanted to meet him and was wanting to become a painter.

The wife's response was this "How did he (being me) know about my husband because he doesn't advertise?" My as of yet ungiven response is this "Shay told me." And conversation will progress from there.

This is all very exciting.


1 comment:

Michelle :) said...

very very exciting.