
It Is Finished:

I finished the house on Thursday. One and a Half Months of good, hard work. It looks great and the home owners love it. I believe that I've gained some life long clients . . . oh yea. I'm good.

I'll have pictures in a few weeks. I'm going to wait until they get theit furniture and such arranged. Next weeks starts a dining room, kitchen, living room with one wall two colored with a white stripe. Bring it on.

In the future . . . I'm in the process of bidding the frog slide at the Hays Aquatic Park. That's a job right up my alley.



The Resurrection of Paris:

Again, I name everything. My cell phone's name . . .


Paris, during a freak blizzard, noiselessly fell from my lap into a pile of snow at the parking lot of the local Wal-Mart Super Center. I was hastily hopping out of my truck to check if the "clicker" would work if my keys were still in the ignition - in the ignition because my shifter refused to go to 'P'.

Little stress. Little drama.

I managed. Which for once did not involve a dozen white chocolate macadamia nut cookies! Yes. I bought a new phone and swtiched the number.

3 days later I found Paris lying in a heap of melting snow/ice at said Wal-Mart. Better yet, he lived! At least until about 3 and then he kind of just stopped working. Weeping did not insue. I simply replaced him again.

The new phone's name is Paris X, but he looks and functions the same as Paris. The 'X' is merely aesthetic.



One More Day:

Almost finished . . .


Unheard Of:

So. I started this house on Jan. 15. I'm still working on it. I've finished everything above ground level and am now focused on the underbelly of the house. This was supposed to be done by yesterday . . . it was possible.

That is until the unthinkable occured.

I rolled on one coat of paint. I rolled on a second coat of paint. And then I rolled on a third.

When painting you generally "cut in" first; that is paint the edges. Then you roll it. Thus far the two have blended perfectly with no problem. Until the basement. 3 coats and there was still a very distinct edgeline.

So it needed a fourth, owell. I'd prime the next room and everything would be peachy. Wrong.

Prime. 1st Coat. 2nd coat. And now in need of a third.

I referred my problem to Tony. He's my paint guy. His diagnosis was paint application. It could all be corrected if I roll first as close to the edge as possible and then cut and then roll again. I see his point, but this, I'm certain, is not the solution.

My theory is this. When you mix a gallon of paint there are two parts: base and tint. The base is thin because the molecules of the base need to join with those of the tint in order to create the color. Now if the tint is light there is going to be less cohesion and therefore the transparency of the base will show through. If there is a darker tint the binding would be tighter because there is more tint to "fill in" the "spaces" of the base. Couple all of that with the fact that I'm using the low brand of paint and voila! my problem.

Now this is simply a theory and it could be complete hogwash because I don't know jack about chemicals or the composition of paint. However, it sounds great for mere speculation!



3rd Floor:

So the house that I'm presently making into a masterpiece is 3 stories. Main floor, basement, upstairs. In total there are about 15 rooms including bathrooms. Its alot of house. However, after 4 or 5 weeks I finally have something finished, finished.

The entire 3rd floor is done. Its looks great.

Of course the main floor would be done as well if it weren't for the Trim Killers, Floors and More. Fortunately for them they are nice guys or else I'd still forgive them. Let's face it; Clay can't hold a grudge. (note: good character trait).



The Return of Clay:

I stopped posting in October on account of the business: the stress, the frustration, the major life change that affected every sphere of my existence.

But it seems that things are leveling out. I feel more competent as a business man and a painter though there is still alot to learn! I have more free time and find myself frequenting the former place of employment, Semolino, especially on Saturdays.

What better time, and what better way to spend it (I'm sure there are plenty) than blogging about life, business, and the process of world domination that I am blessed to be a part of (speaking of Christ's Kingdom).

As most of you know I quit my "job" in July (precisely the 14th) because God told me to start a painting business. I'm 8 months into it. Its been a rocky, bumpy, life altering road that has forced me to confront various demons and aspects of myself that I didn't know existed! (Most of which are still being confronted and rooted out!)

But work is good and I've gone from absolutely hating painting to contentment. Its work and work is a part of life! It also helps knowing that this will fund my life's ventures, keep me in Hays, and provide a life for the future family.

Anyway, I'll end with a couple pictures from my current job.



Its Been Fun:

This has been fun, but I can't help but feel that the blogging phase of my life has been over for sometime. So I think that I will be decisive and make it official. The blog is being "let go." Not abandoned. We don't want to hurt its feelings. Cheers to all the readers who made it for some length of time. Know that I love you inspite of your lack of comments. Perhaps one day I will start anew. I'm still contactable by phone, email, or letters. So feel free. And if you lack anyone of the previous items comment and I shall provide.
